Prophet John D. Wallace

Prophet John D. Wallace is the Husband of Nina Gaddy-Wallace, and the proud father of their 3 children: Jasmin, Judaea, and Jariah. They reside in Vancboro N.C. Prophet Wallace knows all too well what it means "to be Put Through The Fire." Born to parents that were not saved and on drugs, he learned at an early age what a disfunctional family was. After being put up for adoption at 2 years old and being tossed from foster home to foster home, being sexually molested and abused; Gods' saving grace brought Prophet Wallace to Eastern North Carolina. There he grew up in "SEMI" stable home. It was then that he came to know God as his personal saviour at the age of 14. He began praching the Gospel at the age of 15 years old. After marrying his High School Sweet heart, Prophet Wallace felt a burning in his spirit that God was calling him to heal families. From this calling Family Empowerment Tabernacle of Praise was born. At the age of only 23; FETOP is one of the fastest growing churches in the city of New Bern. Prophet Wallace is truly called to Transform God's people.

A Word from the Pastor

I just want to let you know that God is not slack concerning his promises. He that has began a good work in you shall finish it. So many times Christians have allowed the enemy to steal there destiny. They often never reach there destiny because of sin. But the Devil is a liar , a punk, and his breath stinks. We are living in a time where God is speaking Bold things! Things that he has never spoken before. We are living in a glorious time for the church. We are living in a time where God is ushering in the kingdom of God into the earth. He is raising up men and women all over this world that are sold out to him. the mundane is becoming miraculous, the natural, supernatural. The old system of church is not going to cut it any more. Too many of God's people are dying and going to hell behind the old system. and a new wave of revelation and change is coming into the church. There is a shifting in the spirit. There is a call of God that only those who are sold out and totally comitted to him are able to hear. And that is a call to Spritiual Consecration!!! God is calling our level of consecration to a new height. This level is reserved for those who are hungry for the Word of God. Those seeking a higher, deeper revelation and divine impartation from God. Don't let the devil steal what is rightly yours because of sin in your life. Get your self to together!!!

Ministering Requests

Please send all speaking requests to:
Family Empowerment Tabernacle of Praise
Maggie Blue, Administrator 
P O Box 0425,  New Bern, N.C.
Please include the folowing:
Letter of Invitation on church letterhead indicating type of event.
Location and specific dates you are requesting Prophet Wallace to minister.
A Brief Organization History

Prophet John D. Wallace makes the final decision on all ministry requests.

Email Me!

Remember God is still in control!!!